
Investor updates template

Sharing a template from a portco that I really love - anonymizing their data (obviously) but it's so good and they're so consistent and timely it made me wish I did this when I was at Haptik.

Hi everyone,

I hope you had a great October! <Describe highlights of month>. As always, see the condensed update below and the long form attached.


  • October revenue: $X (+/- X%, MOM)
  • YTD revenue: $Y (EOY goal: Z, progress: Y/Z%)
  • Net burn: $X
  • Runway: X months



How you can help

  • <Whatever you could use help with, incl if you want none. But get in habit of asking proactively>

The month ahead
<November targets, revenue, team, product, roadmap wise>

Have a great month ahead and talk soon!